Signing Up & Logging In
Get started with Thrilld by creating an account. Wallet integration coming soon.
Last updated
Get started with Thrilld by creating an account. Wallet integration coming soon.
Last updated
Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and download Thrilld on a mobile device.
Contact us at, or join our TG, if you have any questions.
Share details about yourself or the company you’re working at, and select who you want to meet. You can also add some pics (from yourself, images of your deck, a team photo, whatever!) to better attract the attention of like-minded individuals and companies.
Pro tip: make sure to further configure your profile via your Settings, later on.
Explore Web3 projects, professional investors, Web3 service providers, and developers worldwide (or during events) that match your latest needs, desires, and even location preferences. When interest is mutual, you can connect and talk synergies.
Pro tip: further configure your profile via your Settings, later on.