General Safety Tips
This section explains further in detail how to stay safe while using Thrilld app
More Safety Tips Benefitting You and the Entire Community
Never share your financial info
Please, never send fiat or crypto, even if someone claims to be in an emergency, an airdrop or for any other reason. Thrilld is not the place where financial or payment information should be exchanged; it is not meant as an intermediary. We advise you against sharing any information that could grant access to your financial accounts or wallets. If another user directly asks for crypto or fiat, please report it to us immediately.
Protect your persona and business info
On Thrilld, please protect your personal information. Refrain from sharing sensitive details such as your social security number, private or public keys, home or work address, or other important personal details with individuals you don't know. For businesses, please be cautious about the information you disclose about your company and your intellectual property.
Keep the convo in the Thrilld app
For enhanced security, please maintain your conversations within the Thrilld platform initially. Once trust is built, you can move to other communication means. For your security, our platform will incorporate Semantic Analysis from Q3 to ensure safer exchanges. We don't monitor any content, so please be cautious if someone tries to push the conversation to external channels such as text, Telegram, or phone right away.
Report those who are clearly not working for the good of the space
At Thrilld, we strive to create a professional networking community of people working with and for Web3. While it is sometimes tricky to define what amounts to a Web3 project or an angel, we value your active participation in maintaining the integrity and relevance of our platform. Remember that the true professionals in Web3 always exhibit high standards and ethical behaviour. Read more about those fundamental standards here. To ensure the highest quality networking experience for the community, we kindly request your assistance in flagging any individuals or business entities who are clearly not acting in the spirit of Web3.
Protect your account
We know you use many different channels to do business in the Web3 space, yet ensure the security of your Thrilld account by selecting a strong password (if you don't use Google Auth). Please note that Thrilld will never ask for your username and password via email. If you receive any emails requesting account information, flag them immediately. In case you forget the credentials, you can always reset them.
We will soon be integrating a wallet alongside the traditional account creation and verification options.
At Thrilld Labs, we believe that everyone in the space carries their own responsibility to make responsible decisions. For instance, individuals are fully responsible for their own investment decisions and should exercise caution and due diligence. As written in our Terms of Use, by using Thrilld, you agree that Thrilld Labs is not responsible for any financial losses or damages incurred.
Conduct thorough research and consult with a financial or legal advisor before making any investment or acceptance decisions, or other decisions that may impact you financially, or in any other way.
Last updated